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1-3 af 146 Projekter

Angkor Wat in Cambodia
Take a Gap Semester Abroad in Asia
Se dette projekt
  • Pris: 43,825 DKK i 10 uger
  • Ekstra uger: 3,310 DKK
  • Start dato: Gennem året
  • Mindste varighed: 10 uger
  • Alder: 17-24
Volunteers clean the coast with sea lions
Take a Gap Semester Abroad in South America
Se dette projekt
  • Pris: 43,825 DKK i 8 uger
  • Ekstra uger: 3,310 DKK
  • Start dato: Gennem året
  • Mindste varighed: 8 uger
  • Alder: 17-24
Projects Abroad interns working at an outreach during our medical internship for teenagers in Nepal
Medical Internships in Nepal for Teenagers
Se dette projekt
  • Pris: 17,220 DKK i 2 uger
  • Ekstra uger: 3,670 DKK
  • Start dato: I skoleferier
  • Mindste varighed: 2 uger
  • Alder: 15-18
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Projects Abroad offers a wide variety of different volunteer projects and internships in countries around the world. With so many options, you’re sure to find a project you’re passionate about.

Running different projects within each country means we can support many facets of the communities in which we work. It also means there will likely be a network of other volunteers in your chosen country with you. Although you may have varying backgrounds, you’ll come together and bond over your shared passion for learning, growing, and helping others.

Here you can find all the different project options we offer. From, helping at medical outreaches to monitoring African wildlife, the kind of work you do is up to you.

If you can’t choose just one, remember you can combine different projects to create your own bespoke trip!

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