- Have a tangible impact by volunteering on our building project in Nepal. Help rebuild classrooms after the deadly earthquake in April 2015.
- You’ll work alongside builders, engineers and architects, your work will mean that children have a safe space to continue their education.
- Based in the capital, Kathmandu you’ll stay in a Guesthouse with other volunteers. With the majestic Himalayan mountain range, or age-old temples around the corner, you have much to see and do during your free time.
Is the Building Project in Nepal right for me?
Building in Nepal is perfect for anyone willing to help using their own two hands. You’ll see the immediate fruits of your labour with each brick you lay, or each wall you paint.
No experience in construction? No problem! Masons, engineers, and architects are on hand to guide and instruct you.
This experience will also help boost your CV for any application or interview you do. Your time in Nepal will show an interest in global affairs, and demonstrate your commitment to helping others.
As a volunteer on the Building Project in Nepal, you will also get multiple opportunities to explore a country rich in culture, history, and natural wonders like the Himalayas.

What will I do as a construction volunteer in Nepal?
As a construction volunteer in Nepal, you will put your strength into mixing cement, laying bricks, and painting new school classrooms.
Here are some of the tasks you can expect to do:
- Build classrooms from the ground up for young students
- Build toilets and washing facilities for schools and the community
- Renovate existing classrooms by painting walls, or creating murals for educational purposes
Your work will focus on the following areas:
Building classrooms from the ground up
Your tasks will include clearing sites, digging foundation trenches, mixing cement, and laying bricks to create walls. All of your work is part of our efforts to give children safe spaces to learn in. Masons, architects, and engineers will guide your work at all times at the construction sites.
Building toilets and washing facilities for schools and the local community
You will also work to build toilets and washing facilities that will serve hundreds of people. This will give young and old in the community the dignity that each person deserves.
Renovating existing classrooms
Your work doesn’t end at construction. When you’re finished building, you’ll start painting. As part of your volunteer building work in Nepal, you’ll paint the walls and paint educational murals. Murals like the ABCs and 123s will also help teachers with their lessons long after you’ve returned home.
Where in Nepal will I be working?
The Kathmandu Valley will be your home away from home in Nepal. This country of 25 million people is also home to Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world above sea level.
Most of your time will be spent at a building site, working with masons, engineers, and architects to build and renovate classrooms. You will also get involved with building toilets and washing facilities for schools and the local community.
You will live with other volunteers in a guesthouse organised by Projects Abroad. You’ll share meals with the other volunteers, and you’ll probably find yourself building friendships that span countries and cultures!
Eager to experience the cultural and tourist side of Nepal during your volunteering trip? You can plan a souvenir shopping expedition, or use a weekend for a trip to the city of Pokhara.
A typical day on the Building Project in Nepal
Each day in Nepal is different. You will wake up in the guesthouse, and have breakfast with fellow volunteers. Wearing sturdy shoes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty in, you travel to the building site in transport organised by Projects Abroad.
You will work Monday to Friday, from 9.30am to 4pm.
Your daily activities will depend on which stage the building is at. Each day you check on your tasks with the supervisor or mason on duty. From there, you collect the materials needed and join volunteers on the latest building project. One day may be dedicated to building, another day you may be painting.
During your lunch break, you’ll eat your packed lunch with the other volunteers and staff on duty. We strongly recommend drinking plenty of water throughout the day, as your work is labour intensive.
At the end of your working day, you can relax at the guesthouse or explore. We encourage you to use weekends to wander through a Nepali temple, go on a Monastery tour, or learn how to cook a Nepali meal! There’s so much to do and so little time, make each moment in Nepal count.

What are the aims and impact of this project?
The aim of this project is to rebuild classrooms destroyed by earthquakes, and provide safer learning environments for children.
In 2015, a devastating earthquake struck Nepal. Schools, homes, and vital infrastructure were damaged and lost. That same year, we started a Building Project to restore what was lost. By 2017, volunteers had built 96 classrooms at nine schools. This meant 2,000 children were able to resume schooling in safe and colourful classrooms.
There is still a lot of work that needs to be done. Many schools lack the funds to rebuild and desperately need help. With your efforts, we can build more classrooms and help a great number of children return to school. You’ll put your strength into building for a cause, and get your hands dirty doing something good.
“I felt so grateful to all Projects Abroad volunteers for helping out our school during such a difficult time. I also don’t have a word to thank them. I have seen them working so hard in the heat and rain to complete the school. I will always be grateful for all the volunteers of Projects Abroad,” said Sunrise School Principal, Mr. Surendra Maharjan.
Join this Building Project in Nepal and see the direct result of your work and the positive impact it has on the local community.

Måling af vores indflydelse
Vores projekter arbejder mod klare, langsigtede mål med specifikke, årlige målsætninger. Hver eneste frivillig og praktikant, som vi sender ud på disse projekter, hjælper os med at komme nærmere vores mål.
Vi udarbejder en Global Impact Report, som dokumenterer vores præstationer og resultater.
Find ud af mere om den indflydelse, som vores globale fællesskab af frivillige, praktikanter og personale har, og læs den seneste rapport.
Kost og logi
Du bor hos en værtsfamilie i Nepal. De byder dig velkommen i deres hjem og er ivrige efter at dele deres kultur med dig, samt at lade dig lære dem om din egen kultur. Vi tror på, at det er den bedste måde at fordybe dig i kulturen i Nepal og at få en virkelig unik oplevelse.
Vi forsøger altid at lade dig bo sammen med mindst én anden Projects Abroad frivillig eller praktikant hos den samme værtsfamilie.
Dit værelse kommer til at være beskedent men komfortabelt, rent og trygt.
Din projektpris inkluderer tre måltider om dagen.
Aktiviteter og fritid
Når man tænker på Nepal, er det første, man kommer i tanke om, de majestætiske Himalayabjerge. Men det er bare ét eksempel på landets utroligt smukke natur, og kombineret med rig kultur, så er Nepal et unikt land at arbejde frivilligt og udforske i.
Der er et væld af muligheder for, hvordan du kan gå på opdagelse i de betagende og utroligt varierede landskaber i Nepal. Du kan køre off-road gennem Chitwan National Park, cykle gennem Kathmandu dalen eller vandre gennem bakkerne i Annapurna.
Om aftenen og i weekenden er det værd at bruge noget tid på seværdighederne i Kathmandu. Det inkluderer Durbar Square, hvor du kan stå i midten af et historisk palads. Det tårnhøje Boudhanath Stupa er også et must-see.
Nepal er en af vores mest populære destinationer, så der kommer til at være mange andre frivillige i landet sammen med dig på din rejse. Det giver dig friheden til at bruge din fritid alene eller i en gruppe sammen med andre frivillige.
Sikkerhed og personalesupport
Din sikkerhed er vores højeste prioritet. Vi har mange procedurer og systemer, som sikrer, at du får den støtte, du skal bruge for at nyde din rejse med ro i sindet. Vores Projects Abroad personale er til rådighed døgnet rundt for at hjælpe, og de står klar til at sikre, at du falder godt til i din nye bolig og på dit projekt. Hvis du støder ind i problemer, vil de være klar til at hjælpe dig til hver en tid.
Find ud af mere om sikkerhed og assistance.
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