- Join a Human Rights internship in Ghana and help raise awareness about human rights in underprivileged communities.
- Work alongside legal professionals and empower vulnerable people, raising awareness about prominent human rights issues. It’s a great well to help while adding experience to your CV.
- Discuss existing cases and plans of action at the Legal Aid Commission.
- You’ll live with a local host family with other volunteers. You’ll be part of fun social activities and explore the country on exciting weekend trips.
- Volunteer Service Hours: 40
- Download a sample itinerary for this project.
Is a Human Rights internship in Ghana for teenagers right for me?
Are you interested in getting practical human rights work experience abroad? Do you want to help support and empower disadvantaged people at the same time? If you answered yes to these questions, this internship has your name on it!
By working in a developing country like Ghana, you’ll see different kinds of human rights abuses. You’ll learn how to approach and work with each of these issues. The work you do here will add value to your CV, and give you plenty of interesting points to talk about in applications and interviews. You can also add human rights work experience to your CV, giving it an edge. In the process, you’ll also demonstrate your commitment to helping others.
On this internship you will be able to brush up on a host of valuable practical skills, such as teamwork, communication, and time management. You will also have the opportunity to help disadvantaged communities and victims of abuse through educational workshops and activities.
You don’t need any specific skills or qualifications for this placement. You will be taught everything you need to know during the project, and Projects Abroad staff will be there to guide you at all times.
This High School Special runs over fixed dates for two weeks during the summer. The itinerary is set, and there is extra staff support, ensuring that you will be safe and guided through every step of the process.

What will I do on a Human Rights placement in Ghana for teenagers?
You will work under the supervision of a prominent local lawyer and activist, as well as with Legal Aid. Some of the tasks you will complete include:
- Attend court proceedings
- Visit the Social Welfare office to learn about settling family issues
- Observe traditional methods of conflict resolution in Accra’s Muslim community
- Discuss existing cases and plans of action at the Legal Aid Commission
- Raise awareness on Human Rights issues in the community and schools
- Visit to the Social Welfare Office
Your work will focus on the following areas:
Raise awareness about human rights and get involved in other outreach activities
You will assist with raising awareness about human rights in local communities. Although Ghana is one of the most developed countries in Africa, many people face exploitation and abuse on a daily basis and are not aware of their rights. You will play an important role in empowering these people through knowledge and education.
Learn all about Ghana’s unique political and cultural systems
During this internship, you’ll have the opportunity to work alongside human rights and legal experts in some of the most marginalised communities in Ghana. These experts have valuable knowledge and research to share, and you will receive numerous lectures and talks from them. You will also be given case studies and assignments in order to learn about Ghana’s unique issues and come up with your own proposed solutions.
We encourage you to ask questions and take lots of notes in order to learn as much as you can on this placement.
Explore Accra with other interns
On the weekend you will discover Accra with your fellow interns. You will also visit the old Cape Coast Castle, and Kakum National Park. You will get to soak up some sun on the beautiful local beaches.
Various social and cultural activities will also be arranged for you, so that you will have a chance to make friends and learn more about life in Ghana. This will include language, drumming and traditional dance classes. All activities and trips will be supervised by Projects Abroad staff.
Where in Ghana will I work?
You will stay with a local host family, and will work with the community on human rights programmes.
You will explore Ghana with your fellow interns on weekends, which will include visiting Cape Coast, Kakum National Park, and some beautiful local beaches. All activities are planned for you and supervised by Projects Abroad staff.
What are the aims and impacts of this project?
The main aim of this internship is to give you the opportunity to learn about human rights work in practice, and gain hands-on experience.
Ghana faces numerous social problems and challenges. These include domestic violence, child trafficking, and abuse towards disabled citizens. By taking part in this project, you'll become part of our ongoing efforts to address these issues. You’ll help raise awareness of basic human rights, and help empower people.
By working alongside human rights and legal experts, you’ll learn a lot about human rights work in action. You’ll also develop your personal skills such as communication, time management and teamwork. These skills, along with international experience, will add a lot of value to your CV, which could help your future career. This experience may also help you to decide if pursuing a career in law or human rights is the right choice for you.
Join us on this Human Rights internship in Ghana and help us achieve important goals, whilst gaining invaluable practical experience along the way.

Measuring our impact
Hvert år gør tusindvis af frivillige på vores ungdomsprojekter aktivt en forskel rundt omkring i verden. I løbet af deres tid i udlandet, bidrager de til opnåelsen af langsigtede mål og har en langvarig indflydelse på de lokalsamfund, de arbejder i.
Vi udarbejder en årlig Impact Report for vores ungdomsprojekter, som dokumenterer nogle af disse præstationer og resultater.
Find ud af mere om disse projekters indflydelse, og læs den seneste rapport.
Kost og logi
Du bor hos en værtsfamilie i Accra, Akuapem Hills eller Cape Coast. De byder dig velkommen i deres hjem og er ivrige efter at dele deres kultur med dig, samt at lade dig lære dem om din egen kultur.
Vi tror på, at det er den bedste måde at fordybe dig i kulturen i Ghana og at få en virkelig unik oplevelse. På vores ungdomsprojekter forsøger vi altid at få det til at passe, så du bor med mindst én anden frivillig på samme alder og af samme køn som dig hos din værtsfamilie.
Dit værelse kommer til at være trygt, komfortabelt og rent. Din projektpris inkluderer tre måltider om dagen.
Sikkerhed og personalesupport
Din sikkerhed er vores højeste prioritet. Vi har mange procedurer og systemer, som sikrer, at du får den støtte, du skal bruge for at nyde din rejse med ro i sindet. Vores Projects Abroad personale er til rådighed døgnet rundt for at hjælpe, og de står klar til at sikre, at du falder godt til i din nye bolig og på dit projekt. Hvis du støder ind i problemer, vil de være klar til at hjælpe dig til hver en tid.
Find ud af mere om sikkerhed og assistance.
Meet the team in Ghana
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