Volunteers scuba dive during our Shark Conservation Project in Fiji for high school students

Volunteer Shark Conservation in Fiji for Teenagers

Help protect endangered sharks, earn a diving qualification, and make new friends from all over the world


  • In Fiji, you’ll learn from leading shark researchers and other conservation experts working to protect endangered marine species.
  • Help conduct surveys of different species.
  • You will gain a sought-after PADI diving certification and build your teamwork skills.
  • Volunteer Service Hours: 15
  • Download an itinerary for this project.


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You should be able to swim at least 200 metres.

Is volunteer Shark Conservation in Fiji for high school students right for me?

If you enjoy spending time in the ocean and dream of island living, you’re cut out to be a volunteer on our Shark Conservation High School Special in Fiji. This project is open to adventurous teens from all corners of the globe who are passionate about protecting oceans.


Volunteer shark conservation work in Fiji for high school students will give you loads of opportunities to learn important life skills, like working closely with a team. Talk about your experience in interviews or applications, and show your ability to commit to a good cause. It will give your CV an extra edge.


You don’t require any prior experience or training. During your first week, you’ll earn your PADI Open Water certification. If you already have this, you’ll move on to an Advanced Open Water course. Our diving instructors will be with you throughout training and during each dive to ensure safety.

A group of Projects Abroad volunteers prepare for helping with shark conservation in Fiji for high school students

What will I be doing on the project?

During your first week on the project, you focus on your diving course. By the second week, you’ll be in the water and can start doing research.


Let’s take a look at a few of the specific things you’ll do:


  • Complete your PADI Open Water Diving qualification
  • Conduct survey dives to do important research
  • Help with beach clean-ups and get muddy planting mangroves
  • Expand your horizons by experiencing Fiji and its culture

High school students volunteering with sharks in Fiji will focus on the following areas:


Learn to dive and get a PADI Open Water qualification


The first part of the project will focus entirely on getting you comfortable in the water. Those who have no diving experience will do a PADI Open Water course. If you already have that qualification, you’ll level up to Advanced Open Water.


PADI diving certifications don’t have an expiration date, so this qualification will enable you to explore underwater worlds for many years to come! Once you’ve completed your PADI training, you’ll also take part in a Shark Conservation Diver Course.


Diving with sharks


You’ll be conducting survey dives in different areas of Beqa Lagoon which will include a shark dive under supervision of qualified Dive Masters. You’ll be collecting important data that will be part of our global shark research.


Shore-based activities


On the tamer side of things, you will help us do beach clean-ups. Local children will join you, making it a great opportunity to talk to them about ocean conservation and share why it’s important.


You will also help plant mangroves. Mangroves provide homes to many species of plants and animals. They also play a protective role for communities and vulnerable coastlines by preventing soil erosion and providing cover from extreme weather. Mangrove reforestation plays an important role in our overall conservation efforts in Fiji.


In 2017, high school volunteers planted approximately 2,500 mangrove propagules in the Projects Abroad nursery!


Experiencing Fiji and its culture


During your two week program, you will also have plenty of opportunities to socialise with your fellow volunteers, make new friends, and experience island life.


Staff members will be present to supervise and guide all these activities to ensure everyone’s safety throughout the programme.  

Who are our partners?

Our partner dive organisation, Beqa Adventure Divers, are at the forefront of shark protection in Fiji.  Their safety record on shark dives is 100%. There have been no shark related accidents or injuries to any divers on their shark dive trips.

We also work closely with the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) who help all our volunteers get their diving qualifications.

Finally, the WWF also supports our work through various research projects. WWF Global Shark Programme Manager, Ian Campbell, has described our Shark Conservation project in Fiji as “the most important shark conservation project in the world.”

Where will I be working in Fiji?

Pacific Harbour

This part of the island is renowned for its 80 km stretch of pure white sand and cobalt oceans. With water-based activities being central to this project, you will have ample opportunity to explore the magnificent natural beauty.

Importantly, you will also be playing an important role in preserving beaches through cleanups and mangrove reforestation.

During your stay, you will be sharing same-sex dormitories with your fellow volunteers.

Afhentning i lufthavn, fly og visum

Når du ankommer til lufthavnen, står der en Projects Abroad medarbejder klar til at tage imod dig. Du kan finde mere information om ankomst til lufthavnen, orientering og visum på vores side om ankomst til Fiji

What are the aims and impact of this project?

The main aim of the the Shark Conservation Project in Fiji is to help generate accurate scientific data. This is used to increase shark awareness among the local communities and the general public.

We started our Shark Conservation Project in Fiji in January 2014 in response to the declining shark population in this area. The Fijian government has identified shark protection as a top conservation priority. Although marine protected areas have been set up to address the decline in shark numbers, the population continues to decrease.

We also collaborate with the Mangroves for Fiji initiative to replant seedlings and ensure a healthy and sustainable mangrove forest around Pacific Harbour region.

Mangrove forests are a natural barrier for protecting the coastline against erosion, sea level changes, storm surges and tsunamis. They also support coral reef systems by providing nutrients and serve as a nursery for numerous marine species.

Apart from helping the environment, this project is also a great way for you to expand your horizons and your skill set. You will leave with a better understanding of conservation, insight into a different culture and friends from all over the world.

Interesting facts about conservation volunteering in Fiji with projects abroad

Management plans

Vi beskriver vores målsætninger for vores projekter i dokumenter, som vi kalder Management Plans. Vi bruger dem til at planlægge vores arbejde på en grundig og officiel måde. De hjælper os også med at gøre vores projekter bedre. Det betyder også, at du kan blive en del af noget, som faktisk har en stor indflydelse der, hvor der er brug for det.

Læs mere om vores Management Plans

Measuring our impact

Hvert år gør tusindvis af frivillige på vores ungdomsprojekter aktivt en forskel rundt omkring i verden. I løbet af deres tid i udlandet, bidrager de til opnåelsen af langsigtede mål og har en langvarig indflydelse på de lokalsamfund, de arbejder i.

Vi udarbejder en årlig Impact Report for vores ungdomsprojekter, som dokumenterer nogle af disse præstationer og resultater.

Find ud af mere om disse projekters indflydelse, og læs den seneste rapport

Kost og logi

Du bor hos en værtsfamilie i Nadi. De byder dig velkommen i deres hjem og er ivrige efter at dele deres kultur med dig, samt at lade dig lære dem om din egen kultur. Vi tror på, at det er den bedste måde at fordybe dig i kulturen i Fiji og at få en virkelig unik oplevelse.

På vores ungdomsprojekter forsøger vi altid at få det til at passe, så du deler værelse med mindst én anden frivillig på samme alder og af samme køn som dig.

Dit værelse kommer til at være trygt, komfortabelt og rent. Din projektpris inkluderer tre måltider om dagen. 

Få mere viden om vores boligforhold

Sikkerhed og personalesupport

Din sikkerhed er vores højeste prioritet. Vi har mange procedurer og systemer, som sikrer, at du får den støtte, du skal bruge for at nyde din rejse med ro i sindet. Vores Projects Abroad personale er til rådighed døgnet rundt for at hjælpe, og de står klar til at sikre, at du falder godt til i din nye bolig og på dit projekt. Hvis du støder ind i problemer, vil de være klar til at hjælpe dig til hver en tid.


Find ud af mere om sikkerhed og assistance.

Når du tilmelder dig, betaler du kun 2950 kr., som bliver fratrukket projektprisen.

Vil du gerne deltage på mere end ét projekt? Ring til os på +45 35 15 21 20 for at se om vi kan tilbyde dig en god pris.

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